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and then there were three

I was sitting in class today, trying not to fall asleep as my professor went on and on about collective bargaining, when baby decided to throw party in my belly, I looked down and couldn't help but smile as I felt little movements, and then I cried. Right there in the middle of classroom with 90 people in it. Hormones, insert eye roll here. Becoming a mom scared me, I would take the LSAT over and over, and have less nerves than what I am currently experiencing. Before I met Kody I was pretty content with my life, I was happy, I had goals, and plans to achieve those goals, then I met him and it was a whole new world view. The plan shifted, not altogether changed, but shifted, it now became our goals, no longer me but we, and we both tried to adjust what we wanted our end goal to be. I never imagined myself as a mom, not really, and at the time they were about 65th on my to do list, maybe it was my fear of failing as a mother, not being good enough, financially unready,  or more like
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He liked it, so he put a ring on it.

Do you have a story that you love to tell so much, that you look for any reason to tell it? And all your friends roll their eyes, as in to say..."here she goes again." I have many.  Most are about how cool my husband is, I just want everyone to know. One of my favorite "our stories" is when he proposed because it was just so perfect and adorbs. He gets me. Here's some background story for you. I love reading, I love the feel and smell of books (like for real I tried to convince Kody to have our reception at the Springville Library), and I collect children's books, I love to discover new ones, and it's one of my favorite gifts to get...just if you need ideas. I have a few go-to's when I'm stressed or just needing to feel free, one is running, one is chocolate (obvi), one is painting my nails, and the other is going to Barnes's and Noble to read children's books, and as I'm typing this I can see how that sounds creepy. I will hunker dow

The road more traveled

How anyone could be bored in this life is beyond me. There are so many amazing things to explore, places to visit, cultures to study, mountains to climb, some of them in our own back yard, how does have time to do it all? Slowly but surely. For the last couple of years my sister Amy has invited me to tag-a-long with her and her two kids on their annual road trip. Last year we went to the Redwoods in California with stops at the Salt Flats and Crater Lake along the way. This year she decided to go to Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico, a whopping 15 hr drive from Provo. My adventurous heart accepted immediately, and it helped that I was allowed to bring a plus one, my cutie pie husband. We researched and planned it out so that we could get the most out of our 4 day road trip. We started at 6:00 Friday morning left Springville, and drove to a place called Mesa Verde National Park. Mind blown. I applaud those who lived in the ancient days, I for one couldn't have done it, this is how I k

Past Due.

It only took 1.5 years buuuut our blog is up and walking. Oh the stories I have to tell about how we met, dating life, how Kody proposed, and life since we sealed to deal. Hang in there. I'm having blogger ADD in order to both catch up on history while staying caught up on the present. Moral of this story: DON'T PROCRASTINATE.  For now the Cliff notes version. Kody and I have been married one wild ride of one year and six months. Basically pro status over here. I love being married to Kody, my Mr. Right from his little toe to the tip of his hair. There is some controversy as to the actually day we met, I say it was at my roommates birthday dinner, he says it was at my apartment a few days before the dinner, he claims I was wearing glasses, but if that's true, why did he come back for more?! I scare myself with those things on. Who knows who's right. Actually, I do, its me. I'm always right. Marriage perk numero uno. Back to the story. His apartment was friends wit